Why is crime a racially segregated subject ?

One commonly misused phrase among social media is ‘Black on Black’ crime. Its misuse can be attached to social branding which is their way of classifying ethnicity in a social rank.

Google analytics show this ‘Black on Black crime’ as a highly used tag. A quick scan at the time of this writing showed over 25 search pages and about 431,000,000 results. That’s quite a bit of discussion about the subject, which begs the question, are robbery or violent crimes race based ?

Does a black robber say, I am going to rob a black person, but I will not rob a white or Asian person? Does a black criminal take fore-thought to murder only African Americans?

We talk about crime as if it is an ethnic genetic disorder rather than an outgrowth of social and economic pressures tempered by generational poverty. This logic of the thinking black vs black crime is ripe with fallacy.

Burglars and robbers operate in anonymity and try to avoid detection. Almost all blue collar robbers are strangers to their victims and try to operate incognito. Many would say that American’s police force, which is overwhelmingly white male, are the protectors of the great economic divide, which by circumstance favors Caucasian making them prime targets for robberies. As a result most Blacks are subject to immediate “stop and investigate” type mentality when ever they are in a white community, which is a chief deterrent to black on white crime. However just having this discussion is an anomaly because it stigmatizes and ferments a false view. The reality is, robbers aren’t thinking race, they are thinking money and get away, which works best under the cloak of cultural immersion.

Murders happen largely by those you know as opposed to someone you don’t. While we are busy locking the doors and peering out the windows, violent crimes, (suicide is #1 violent crime) are 60% likely to be committed by someone you know, and murders are 79% likely to by committed by people who know each other. So then it appears that crime is more convenience based, being with in reach, and violent crimes are most often carried out by someone very close to you. Black vs Black is a misguided view of the problem and abused by the social media.

America is still a very segregated country and the facts are, the majority of blue collar crimes are being committed out of opportunity, not by race.

White collar crimes would be another discussion.

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